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Divide and Conquer (for everyone's sanity)

After weeks of the kids doing school at home all together, Sharra and I decided that it would be best for everyone if we could find a way...

EASTER singing and worship in an empty church

The days leading up to Easter were a strange contrast with each other and with Easters of the past. On Friday Amelia and four singers...

Maundy Thursday in Two Locations

In a traditional Maundy Thursday service we get more physically involved with the worship than at any special service. First there is the...

Palm and Passion Sunday Worship

Traditionally this service starts with a reading about Palm Sunday and then the kids parade around the sanctuary waving palms while...

Introducing the "kids" at our online children's sermons

Doing a children's sermon in a completely empty church just didn't seem right. My family helped come up with the idea of having our kids'...

Our first worship online and on the radio

March 22nd began out journey of learning how to be a worshiping community and staying connected while not being able to gather together...

The Lazarus Story

This was the first Sunday trying out a children's sermon filmed from our sanctuary. We have our Sunday worship again with Trinity in...

An Easter mission for our kids

Pastor Len gave the kids of our congregation a mission to help bring some joy to those at our local nursing home and assisted living. The...

Completing our mid-week Lenten series

Since we could not complete the series for our mid-week Lenten services, Pastor Len taped a service that combines all the stories and...

What's been happening : Blog2
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